01:37 – How Dan Henry started using THIS exact webinar strategy to pay off his huge IRS bill.
17:12 – The exact stories you SHOULD use inside of your webinar to convert your audience into buyers.
44:05 – How Dan's client went from charging $1,500 to charging $1-$3 MILLION dollar contracts.
Watch the end of this video to get Dan's funnel installed directly into your ClickFunnels account.
You'll learn about the mistakes that nearly every martial arts school makes with the copy (text) of their ads. These mistakes reduce clicks and increase costs. This playbook doesn't just point out the mistakes, but tells you what to do instead!
Martial arts schools that target their ads incorrectly are working much harder than they need to. In this section of the playbook you'll learn when, where, and who to target for the best results.
If your ads work well, they don't cost you money - they make you money. But if you don't set them up right, or you don't understand the data coming back, then they're probably costing you money - and more than you realize.
Facebook gives you a lot of data to sift through to determine what's working and what isn't - but are you looking at the right numbers? Are you looking at those numbers correctly? Are you
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